Honors and awards

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One of SEG's great traditions is the special recognition of individuals and organizations for their contributions to geophysics and to the Society. The Honors and Awards Committee annually solicits nominations for deserving recipients to be honored at the SEG Annual Meeting.

In order to guarantee that all deserving individuals and organizations receive consideration for appropriate recognition all nominations must be received by 1 January to allow the Honors and Awards Committee enough time for appropriate investigation, deliberation, and recommendations to the SEG Board of Directors.

Nominations should be made using the online submission form. Your timely input is vital to this important function of the SEG. If you have any questions, please send them to [email protected]. Thank you very much for your assistance in making SEG's Honors and Awards Program a meaningful and representative activity of the Society.

Established Awards of the Society

Distinguished Awards

Presidential Award

Established in 2008, the SEG Presidential Award is bestowed at the discretion of the SEG president to an individual who is recognized as having contributed outstanding service to the Society.

Achievement Awards


The Leading Edge


Annual Meeting