Tijmen Moser
Tijmen Jan Moser attended the University of Utrecht, Netherlands, where he received a MSc in Geophysics in 1987 and a PhD in Geophysics in 1992. His research interests include seismic inversion, imaging, ray theory, asymptotic methods, seismic reservoir characterization, and diffractions.
Moser has worked as a geophysical consultant for a number of companies and institutes including Amoco in Tulsa, Oklahoma (1992); Institut Français du Pétrole in France (1992–1994); IFJF in Bergen, Norway (1994–1995); Alexander-von-Humboldt Stipendiat in Karlsruhe, Germany (1996–1997); Norsk Hydro in Bergen, Norway (1997–2001); and the Geophysical Institute of Israel. In 2001, Moser has been a geophysical consultant at Fugro-Jason in Rotterdam, Netherlands. Since 2005, he has been working as an independent consultant, associated with Z-Terra, SGS-Horizon and others. His main interests include seismic imaging, asymptotic methods, seismic reservoir characterization and diffraction. He has authored many influential papers on ray theory and ray methods, Born inversion and modeling, macro-model independent imaging, and diffraction imaging, several of which have received Best Paper awards. He has co-chaired Special Sessions devoted to Diffraction at the EAGE conferences of 2010, 2011 and 2012 and the Workshop on Seismic Diffraction Methods for Fault and Fracture Detection at the SEG conference in 2012, co-presented the EAGE Short Course on Seismic Diffraction (2011) and is co-editor of the SEG reprint volume on Diffraction (2015). He is Editor-in-Chief of Geophysical Prospecting, has served on SEG's "Geoscientists Without Borders®" and is serving on SEG's Publication Committee and EAGE's Oil, Gas and Geoscience Division Committee and Research Committee. He is a member of SEG and MAA, and honorary member of EAGE.
Honorable Mention (Geophysics) 2004
V. Khaidukov, Evgeny Landa, and T. J. Moser received 2004 Honorable Mention (Geophysics) for their paper Diffraction imaging by focusing-defocusing: An outlook on seismic superresolution.[1]
- ↑ Khaidukov, V., E. Landa, and T. J. Moser (2004) Diffraction imaging by focusing-defocusing: An outlook on seismic superresolution, GEOPHYSICS 69(6):1478.