Xiangliang Zhang

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Xiangliang Zhang
Xiangliang Zhang.jpg
PhD Computer Science
PhD university INRIA-University Paris-Sud

Xiangliang Zhang is an Associate Professor of Computer Science and directs the MINE group at KAUST, Saudi Arabia. She earned her PhD degree in Computer Science from INRIA-University Paris-Sud, France, in July 2010. Dr. Zhang's research mainly focuses on learning from complex and large-scale streaming and graph data. Dr. Zhang has published over 120 research papers in referred international journals and conference proceedings. She regularly serves on the Program Committee for premier conferences including SIGKDD, AAAI (Senior PC), IJCAI (Senior PC), ICDM, NIPS, and ICML. She is the Associate Editor of Information Sciences and Health Information Science and Systems. Xiangliang was invited to deliver an Early Career Spotlight talk at IJCAI–ECAI 2018, which is one of the most important conference in AI field. She has been teaching a machine learning course at KAUST since 2011.

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