Randy Koepsell

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Honorable Mention (Geophysics) 2007

Romain Prioul, Adam Donald, Randy Koepsell, Zakariae El Marzouski, and Tom Bratton received 2007 Honorable Mention (Geophysics) for their paper Forward modeling of fracture-induced sonic anisotropy using a combination of borehole image and sonic logs.[1]

Biography 2007[2]

Randy Koepsell received a B.S. in mining engineering from the University of Wisconsin, Madison. He is a principal ge- ologist at Schlumberger Data & Consulting Services in Den- ver, Colorado, and is a member of SPWLA, AAPG, and RMAG.


  1. Prioul, R., et al. (2007), Forward modeling of fracture-induced sonic anisotropy using a combination of borehole image and sonic logs,, Geophysics VOL.72,NO.4 P.E135–E147.
  2. Contributors, Geophysics Vol. 75, No. 4, pp. Z91-Z98.