Rainer Tonn
Rainer Tonn is a Leading Geophysicist with Equinor Canada Ltd. After finishing his Diploma and Doctorate at the University of Kiel in Germany he joined Wintershall in 1989. After four years of exploring for hydrocarbons in Germany and North Africa, Rainer moved to Calgary to work on Wintershall’s conventional assets in Alberta. From 1998 to 2000 Rainer joined Wintershall’s team in Argentina developing a significant offshore discovery. In 2000 he began working for Pan Canadian, later EnCana, and explored for six years the Canadian East Coast. Before he began interpreting oilsands projects for Statoil in 2009, Rainer enjoyed three years of North Sea exploration with Oilexco. In 2012 he moved to Norway, where he was responsible for Statoil’s global geophysical work processes. Since 2015 Rainer is located in St. John’s. Rainer’s special interest is the reduction of exploration/development risk with advanced seismic interpretation techniques.