La Niña

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La Niña is a weather phase that cools the central and eastern Pacific Ocean. La Niña produces colder and wetter conditions in the North, while the South receives warmer and dryer conditions.


Predicting La Niña

Scientists still have trouble predicting La Niña, they believe it occurs every three to five winters. [1] La Niña usually comes after El Niño but not always. La Niña and El Niño have different magnitudes and length of time. The patterns we've collected based on these differences, allows us to predict when El Niño and La Niña are going to occur.



La Niña is the cause for colder ocean temperatures because of the rain clouds it creates. In the United States, La Niña decreases the precipitation in southern, central, and south western areas. However, in the northern states and southeastern states, the precipitation increases. Also, La Niña effects the northern hemisphere during the summer because it rains more than average. [2] More rainfall occurs during the winter of the northern hemisphere as well. The tropical areas of South America are dryer than average during the winter season.


La Niña is the direct cause for colder ocean temperatures because of rain clouds it creates. In the eastern Pacific, the colder air sinking over the already cold ocean. [3] El Niño Southern Oscillation causes the western part of the Pacific Ocean to become warmer. When this occurs, the ocean warms the air above it and creates rain clouds. [4] La Niña wind pushes warm water along the equator, leaving the west with only cold water.

The wind is pushing warm water towards the Pacific, which is creating these "hot spots".

Potential risk

Natural Disasters

La Niña effects the pressure of our atmosphere, the amount of rainfall, and the temperature of our air. La Niña keeps hot air over southern/central part of the U.S. This increases the risk for natural disasters; like tornadoes or hailstorms.

See also

Other closely related articles in this wiki include:


  1. [Galbraith, B. K. (2011, August 26). Assessing climate change in a drought-stricken state. The New York Times, Retrieved from,
  2. [Graham, S. (1999, April 27). Features. Retrieved from,
  3. [Becker, E. (2016, September 8). September 2016 ENSO update: Cooling our heels | NOAA Retrieved from],
  4. [K. L. Lerner & B. W. Lerner (Eds.), (2008) El Niño and La Niña. The Gale Encyclopedia of Science (4th ed., Vol. 2, pp. 1457-1459). Detroit: Gale. Retrieved from]],

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