Jack Bouska

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Jack Bouska
Membership EAGE, SEG, CSEG, and APEGGA

Jack Bouska graduated with a geophysics degree from the University of Alberta (1980). He joined Seiscom Delta as a processing geophysicist in 1981, and moved to Western Geophysical's computing science department in 1983. Joining Dome Petroleum in 1985, he remained through the merger with Amoco in 1988, and again through the merger with BP a decade later.

His career included residence in; London U.K., Muscat Oman, and Calgary Alberta, while tackling a wide variety of projects spanning across five continents. Initial projects included revitalizing cost effective exploration for Amoco Canada using his invention of Sparse-3D, later expanding into the S. American Andes, designing and acquiring some of the world’s largest Heli-portable 3D’s. His innovation at BP continued with novel acquisition techniques for Seabed OBC-3D’s in the North Sea, Caspian Sea, Gulf of Suez, Abu Dhabi, Indonesia and West of Shetlands. While in the UK, Jack also acted as team Leader for the upstream technology Reservoir Management team, prior to moving to Oman as the Middle East region Seismic Delivery Manager, where he instigated several ultra-high speed Vibroseis surveys made possible by his invention of Distance Separated Simultaneous Sweeping (DS3). While in Oman, he also invented a new type of seismic sensor and autonomous node recorder, resulting in several patents (as inventor) and a commercial implementation (the STRIDE Node). In 2013 he moved back to Calgary as regional seismic delivery manager for BP’s Oil Sands and Canadian offshore seismic programs, before retiring in 2015, and turning his attention to industry training and consultation.

As an author of more than 50 industry papers and technical presentations, Jack’s innovations in seismic acquisition design and processing have been recognized by numerous geophysical societies; including the CSEG with the Best Theme Paper award in 1995, Best of Session papers in 1997 & 98 and best technical luncheon talk of 2014. The SEG also awarded Jack the Best Paper in the Leading Edge 2005, and SEG National conventions Honourable Mention in Best Paper category that same year. In 2009 the Society of Exploration Geophysicists selected him as the spring SEG Distinguished Lecturer in Geophysics. Jack has served as an EAGE Distinguished Lecturer for 2007-2008 and also from 2009 to present, as an EAGE Short Course Instructor in Seismic Acquisition and Processing.

Jack is an active member of the EAGE, SEG, CSEG, and APEGA.

Spring 2009 SEG Distinguished Lecturer

Integrating Seismic Acquisition and Processing

Years of seismic specialization among practicing geophysicists have segregated acquisition, processing, and interpretation into separate functions, which makes it difficult for any individual to treat the whole seismic process as a single integrated system.

From experience, I have developed a sometimes elegant, occasionally cumbersome, but always effective methodology which assimilates the tasks of acquisition design, seismic processing, and interpretation into one coordinated procedure. Decisions regarding acquisition parameters, survey geometry, and processing flow must be driven by interpretation requirements. These choices are guided by analysis of acquisition and processing tests applied to existing data sets rather than the more common practice of simply replicating the parameters used on previous surveys.

This lecture will impart a concise but comprehensive introduction to the art of seismic design, data processing, and imaging with the overall goal of forging a unified system for the sole purpose of producing optimized products for pre- and poststack interpretation and attribute extraction. The lecture format will present cutting-edge case histories exposing both the philosophy underlying the whole process, as well as the specific strategy and tactical implementation of design and processing techniques used to achieve the interpretation goals.

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Jack Bouska
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