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The table shows members of Fourier transform, with the characteristics of input signal and output signal [1].

Technique Time domain Frequency domain
Continuous Fourier Transform Continuous, non-periodic Continuous, non-periodic
Fourier Series Continuous, periodic Discrete, non-periodic
Discrete-time Fourier transform Discrete, non-periodic Continuous, periodic
Discrete Fourier transform Discrete, periodic Discrete, periodic

It shows that,

  • Discrete signal in one domain means periodic signal in the other domain.
  • Continuous signal in one domain means non-periodic signal in the other domain.

Briefly speaking, Fourier series is used to represent a periodic function by a discrete sum of complex exponentials, while Fourier transform is then used to represent a general, nonperiodic function by a continuous superposition or integral of complex exponentials. Fourier transform can be viewed as the limit of the Fourier series of a function with the period approaches to infinity, so the limits of integration change from one period to (−∞,∞). Discrete-time Fourier transform is sampling of Continuous Fourier Transform in time domain. And Discrete Fourier transform is even sampling of Discrete-time Fourier transform in frequency domain.


  1. [1] Seismic Data Analysis: Processing, Inversion, and Interpretation of Seismic Data.