K Vinesh Pethanraj
A Young Professional currently associated with Shell working towards management of subsurface data - with focus on petrophysical data - with strong inclination towards digital integration for business value generation.
Completed Summer Internship Program at on Digitalization of features in POI using Here Map Creator. Also pursued a project on analysis the seismo-tectonic activity of the Delhi Fold Belt Region from Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology.
Started as a core committee member and was elevated to the position of Content Generation Head & Editor In-chief of the chapter's newsletter- GENESIS for the academic year 2019-2020. Served as the Secretary at the UPES SEG. Drafted the New Constitution of the Chapter, hosted the Chapter's first Virtual Conference - Geo-Conclave. Directed and Edited the Virtual Field Trip. Created the Wiki page for the Student Chapter. Designed and Developed the Chapters new website.
Volunteer role
- Chair 2022-2023 - Emerging Professionals International Committee, SEG
- Committee Member - Emerging Professionals International Committee, SEG
- Secretary- UPES SEG Student Chapter
- Editor in chief- Genesis ( UPES SEG Monthly Newsletter):
Professional Affiliations
- Associate Engineer - Process Data SSW, Shell ( Sept 2021 - Current)
- Intern, Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology (June 2020 -July 2020)
- Summer Internship, Here Technologies (Apr 2020 - June 2020)
Topics of interest
- Petrophysical Data
- Geotechnical Engineering
- Subsurface Data Managment
- Python
- Data Science