SEG Student Chapter - Universidad Nacional del Sur

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On November 29th, 2019, several students from different years of the Geophysics career, taught at UNS's (Universidad Nacional del Sur), met with the objective of creating a student chapter and being a part of SEG.

The SEG Board of Directors approved our request to be a part of SEG on January 30th, 2020.


  • President: Ariana Toloza
  • Vice President: Andres Costa
  • Treasurer: Maximiliano Lexow
  • Secretary: Agustina Martin Pedrol
  • Faculty Advisor: Dr. Nicolás Scivetti


Our first objective is to promote Geosciences related careers through lectures, field trips, training courses, etc. Gaining access to all the opportunities that SEG can provide us. Being in touch with students from other chapters, also to relate with professionals that are currently working in the industry or research fields.