Shandong University Geophysical Society

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Tian'e-Bama Highway SATEM project, Guangxi, China

General information

Qarqi coal mine project in Xinjiang Province,China

Established in 2019, Shandong University Geophysical Society has been active on the SEG platform as an emerging SEG student chapter member around the world, sharing geophysical events with Geophysics enthusiasts. Our chapter is developed on the basis of the Laboratory of Earth Electromagnetic Exploration, Shandong University, and operates with the support of Geotechnical and structural engineering research center and School of Civil Engendering in Shandong University. Now, there are over fifty members in this chapter. Every year we carry out a series of SEG related activities, such as outstanding speeches and honorary speeches, and some academic reports. We also invite several honorary lecturers and famous scholars from SEG to come to our chapter for lectures and academic activities. We are committed to helping students broaden their horizons in geophysical exploration, fund students with outstanding ability to participate in SEG meetings and workshops and provide opportunities to meet outstanding geophysicists. We welcome like-minded geophysics enthusiasts and geophysicists to communicate with us. For more information, contact the president or faculty advisors below.

SDU Geophysical Society


Shandong University Geophysical Society
Position Name Email Address
President Noah Zhang [email protected]
Faculty Advisors Prof. Huaifeng Sun [email protected]
Dr. Yang Yang [email protected]
Vice President Rui Liu [email protected]
Secretary Junkai Ge [email protected]
Academic supervisor Shangbin Liu [email protected]
Treasurer Hong Chen [email protected]
Social media officer Xu Weiqiang [email protected]
Publications officer Hao Feng [email protected]
Assistant Teacher Hanwu Sun [email protected]

[[File:Koya Suto.jpg|thumb|Koya Suto[[File:Pro Qifei Niu.jpg|thumb|Pro. Qifei Niu

Pro Raymond


Student Chapter Activity

♠ Lectures

  • 2019.2.24 ♦ Changchun Yin (Jilin University): Research Status of Aviation Electromagnetic 3D Inversion

  • 2019.4.9 ♦ Jingtian Tang (Central South University) : Space-time array electromagnetic method and experimental research

Location of the Longwan Tunnel SATEM survey
The Drone Pilot:Master Zhao
  • 2019.5.6 ♦ Xushan Lu(Memorial University of Newfoundland, MUN): Finite-volume Time-domain Electromagnetic Modeling of Graphitic Faults Using Unstructured Grids
  • 2019.6.27 ♦ Dr. Denys Grombacher Ahuas U : Emerging geophysical technologies for groundwater characterization – a sneak peak at recently developed transient electromagnetic and nuclear magnetic resonance systems.

  • 2019.7.28 ♦ Koya Suto (2017 SEG Honorary Lecturer ): A Hitchhiker's Guide to Geophysics.

  • 2019.6.28 ♦ Hongzhu Cai (China University of Geosciences, Wuhan): Development of a parallelized finite element modeling & inversion platform for geophysical electromagnetic data.

  • 2021.1.15 ♦ Xushan Lu(Memorial University of Newfoundland, MUN): Surface geometry inversion of potential field and electromagnetic geophysical data.
  • 2021.1.15 ♦Xiaobin Chen(National of Institute of Natural Hazards,China ):Three-dimensional magnetotelluric inversion technology based on C/S architecture and Internet platform and its application.

♠ Field Camp

  • SDU SEG Student Chapter field trip to Mufu Mountain, Nanjing

A geophysics field trip to Mufu Mountain at Nanjing, China, was held this summer vacation, with the help and support from Prof. Huaifeng Sun and Prof. Yang Yang from Shandong University (SDU). The two professors are belonging to Laboratory of Earth Electromagnetic Exploration, Shandong University and are helping to guide professional activities of SEG Student Chapter at Shandong University.

This field trip last for almost a month, and 15 undergraduates who were divided into three groups participated in this activity. Except undergraduates,there are 5 postgraduates working as students of two professors and teachers of undergraduates at the same time.

SDU Geophysical Society in SEG Workshop ,2019.07 in Beijing, China
Best SEG stud ent report: Master Chen
SDU In SEG 2019 annal meeting(left1:Pro.Yang;le ft2:Master Chen

Under the help of professors and postgraduates, every participant learns how cross borehole methods such as seismic tomography technique and electrical resistivity tomography technique work. Except the field work, everyone among the participants also did some data inversion to more profoundly experience the procedure of cross borehole tomography.

After participating in this activity, every student does benefit from it a lot. Practice is the best in learning geophysics, and this activity makes it possible for undergraduates to learn from field work, and then apply it to practice. This field trip is of great significance, not only for students who take part in this activity but also for SDU SEG Student Chapter, Moreover, this field trip is an experiment for a new way of teaching in applied geophysics.

In SEG Active Moments

  • 2019.07——2019 SEG Smart City Workshop

All the members of our group participated in the meeting. Professor Sun, our Faculty Advisor, also served as the session chair of this conference. At the same time, two of our graduate students provided oral reports at the meeting, one of whom won the best student report award.

① Modeling and Inversion of Semi-airborne TEM Data

② Markov Chain Monte Carlo inversion of transient electromagnetic in 1D

  • 2019.09 ——Our professor Yang Yang and Master student Chengdong Chen went to the 2019 SEG annual meeting in San Antonio.

We also have two poster reports.

① Sensitivity area analysis of line source semi-airborne transient electromagnetic

② A new method to extract useful harmonics from CSEM data

External links

  1. Shandong University Home Page:
  2. Geotechnical and structural engineering research center Home Page:
  3. The Laboratory of Earth Electromagnetic Exploration, Shandong University
    Field Trip

Geophysics movements

  1. 孙怀凤教授受邀担任山东首次地质系统“黄河安澜”应急技能岗位练兵活动裁
    Bama Volunteer teaching activity
  2. 土建学院博士研究生张诺亚入选“国际大洋发现计划(IODP)”暑期学校 [1]
  3. 研究生张诺亚获资助参加2020 SEG/Chevron全球学生领导力会议及SEG年会
  4. 课题组《长津湖》红色观影活动
  5. “稷下风”第1146期:基于模型降阶理论的电磁法三维正演研究进展
  6. 课题组承办土建与水利学院博士高端论坛2022年第3期:海洋电磁法在海底硫化物资源调查中的应用
    2019 SEG Geophysics for Smart City Development
  7. 课题组承办第1138期“稷下风”研究生学术论坛
  8. 课题组承办2022年第7期(总第1136期)“稷下风”研究生学术讲坛
  9. 课题组代表团到核工业航测遥感中心交流学习
  10. 土建学院研究生杨静获邀参加国际地质科学联合会女性科学家访谈活动
  11. 核工业航测遥感中心一行来学院交流座谈
  12. 课题组参赛队伍“穿山之目”团队在第七届山东省互联网+创新创业大赛中斩获佳绩
  13. 第七届“创新杯”全国大学生地球物理知识竞赛并获三等奖
  14. 课题组师生为广西天峨至巴马高速公路建设提供前沿技术支持
  15. 新青年要争做“啄开蛋壳的鹰”——地球电磁探测课题组开展观影《长津湖》主题党日活动
  16. 投身基层社会实践,聚焦乡村振兴发展——山东大学赴广西“达墨隧道”实习调研团开展扶贫调研
  17. 课题组参加第五届“创新杯”全国大学生地球物理知识竞赛并获二等奖
  18. “达墨隧道”调研团:投身基层社会实践,聚焦乡村振兴发展

Welcome to join us.

Recruitment and enrollment of outstanding talents

Research direction

  • Geophysics
  • Geotechnical engineering
  • Airborne, vehicle-borne and ship-borne geophysical detection
  • Geological disaster monitoring

The professional catalog is set in the first-level discipline of civil engineering/second-level discipline of geotechnical engineering.

Enrollment vision

Students with a background in civil engineering, geophysics, computer science, control, microwave and electromagnetic fields, mathematics, mechanics, information and electrical engineering are welcome to apply.