User:Covarj/Books/Spanish Dictionary: Letter R
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Spanish Dictionary: Letter R
- Dictionary:R/es
- Dictionary:R-wave/es
- Dictionary:Rg-wave/es
- Dictionary:Rwa-analysis log/es
- Dictionary:RA/es
- Dictionary:Racon/es
- Dictionary:Radar/es
- Dictionary:Radar altimeter/es
- Dictionary:Radar imagery/es
- Dictionary:Radial array/es
- Dictionary:Radial component/es
- Dictionary:Radial power spectrum/es
- Dictionary:Radial processing/es
- Dictionary:Radial refraction/es
- Dictionary:Radial survey/es
- Dictionary:Radian (rad)/es
- Dictionary:Radian frequency/es
- Dictionary:Radian wavenumber/es
- Dictionary:Radiance/es
- Dictionary:Radiation field/es
- Dictionary:Radiation pattern/es
- Dictionary:Radio Earth/es
- Dictionary:Radio frequency (RF)/es
- Dictionary:Radio positioning/es
- Dictionary:Radio-altimeter/es
- Dictionary:Radioactive/es
- Dictionary:Radioactive-tracer log/es
- Dictionary:Radioactivity age dating/es
- Dictionary:Radioactivity log/es
- Dictionary:Radioactivity survey/es
- Dictionary:Radiometer/es
- Dictionary:Radiometric survey/es
- Dictionary:Radius of curvature method/es
- Dictionary:Radius of investigation/es
- Dictionary:Radius of regionality/es
- Dictionary:Radix/es
- Dictionary:Radon filtering/es
- Dictionary:Radon method/es
- Dictionary:Radon sniffer/es
- Dictionary:Radon transform/es
- Dictionary:Ragolith/es
- Dictionary:RAID/es
- Dictionary:Railroading of log/es
- Dictionary:Raised kernel function/es
- Dictionary:RAM/es
- Dictionary:Ram pole/es
- Dictionary:Ramform/es
- Dictionary:Rammed/es
- Dictionary:Ramp/es
- Dictionary:Ramp up/es
- Dictionary:Random/es
- Dictionary:Random access/es
- Dictionary:Random error/es
- Dictionary:Random geometry/es
- Dictionary:Random line/es
- Dictionary:Random noise/es
- Dictionary:Random track/es
- Dictionary:Random variable/es
- Dictionary:Random-access memory (RAM)/es
- Dictionary:Range/es
- Dictionary:Range line/es
- Dictionary:Range pole/es
- Dictionary:Range-range determination/es
- Dictionary:Ranging/es
- Dictionary:Rank/es
- Dictionary:Rank order/es
- Dictionary:Rankine temperature/es
- Dictionary:RAP/es
- Dictionary:Rarefaction/es
- Dictionary:Rarefaction wave/es
- Dictionary:Raster/es
- Dictionary:Rate/es
- Dictionary:Rathole/es
- Dictionary:Ratio modulation/es
- Dictionary:Ratiometer/es
- Dictionary:Rational number/es
- Dictionary:Ravinement surface/es
- Dictionary:Raw gravity/es
- Dictionary:Ray/es
- Dictionary:Ray angle/es
- Dictionary:Ray parameter/es
- Dictionary:Ray theory/es
- Dictionary:Ray tracing/es
- Dictionary:Ray velocity/es
- Dictionary:Rayleigh channel wave/es
- Dictionary:Rayleigh distribution/es
- Dictionary:Rayleigh number/es
- Dictionary:Rayleigh resolution limit/es
- Dictionary:Rayleigh scattering/es
- Dictionary:Rayleigh wave/es
- Dictionary:Rayleigh wavelet/es
- Dictionary:Rayleigh-Willis relation/es
- Dictionary:Raypath/es
- Dictionary:Raypath curvature/es
- Dictionary:Raypath parameter/es
- Dictionary:RBV/es
- Dictionary:RDAU, RDU/es
- Dictionary:RDI/es
- Dictionary:Reach (of a well)/es
- Dictionary:Reactance/es
- Dictionary:Reaction mass/es
- Dictionary:Read/es
- Dictionary:Read-after-write/es
- Dictionary:Read-only memory (ROM)/es
- Dictionary:Readability/es
- Dictionary:Reagent/es
- Dictionary:Real/es
- Dictionary:Real memory/es
- Dictionary:Real time/es
- Dictionary:Realizable/es
- Dictionary:Realizable filter/es
- Dictionary:Realization/es
- Dictionary:Receiver/es
- Dictionary:Receiver interval/es
- Dictionary:Receiver station/es
- Dictionary:Receiver-line interval/es
- Dictionary:Reciprocal method/es
- Dictionary:Reciprocal sonde/es
- Dictionary:Reciprocal time/es
- Dictionary:Reciprocity principle/es
- Dictionary:Reconnaissance/es
- Dictionary:Reconstitute/es
- Dictionary:Record/es
- Dictionary:Record section/es
- Dictionary:Record time/es
- Dictionary:Recording truck/es
- Dictionary:Recover/es
- Dictionary:Recovery/es
- Dictionary:Rectify/es
- Dictionary:Rectilinear/es
- Dictionary:Recurrence interval/es
- Dictionary:Recursion/es
- Dictionary:Recursive filter/es
- Dictionary:Redox/es
- Dictionary:Redox potential (EH)/es
- Dictionary:Reduced latitude/es
- Dictionary:Reduced ratio/es
- Dictionary:Reduced traveltime/es
- Dictionary:Reduced vertical profile/es
- Dictionary:Reduction/es
- Dictionary:Reduction to the equator/es
- Dictionary:Reduction to the pole (RTP)/es
- Dictionary:Reduction velocity/es
- Dictionary:Redundancy/es
- Dictionary:Reef/es
- Dictionary:Reel/es
- Dictionary:Reel truck/es
- Dictionary:Reference plane/es
- Dictionary:Reference seismometer/es
- Dictionary:Reflectance/es
- Dictionary:Reflected refraction/es
- Dictionary:Reflection/es
- Dictionary:Reflection character analysis/es
- Dictionary:Reflection coefficient/es
- Dictionary:Reflection configuration/es
- Dictionary:Reflection peak/es
- Dictionary:Reflection point/es
- Dictionary:Reflection point dispersal/es
- Dictionary:Reflection polarity/es
- Dictionary:Reflection shooting/es
- Dictionary:Reflection strength/es
- Dictionary:Reflection survey/es
- Dictionary:Reflection time/es
- Dictionary:Reflection tomography/es
- Dictionary:Reflection-point gathers (RPG)/es
- Dictionary:Reflectivity/es
- Dictionary:Reflectivity function/es
- Dictionary:Reflector/es
- Dictionary:Reflector curvature effects/es
- Dictionary:Reformat/es
- Dictionary:Refraction count/es
- Dictionary:Refraction marker/es
- Dictionary:Refraction method/es
- Dictionary:Refraction profile/es
- Dictionary:Refraction shooting/es
- Dictionary:Refraction statics/es
- Dictionary:Refraction survey/es
- Dictionary:Refraction test/es
- Dictionary:Refraction wave/es
- Dictionary:Refraction, refracted wave/es
- Dictionary:Refractive index/es
- Dictionary:Refractor/es
- Dictionary:Regional/es
- Dictionary:Regional-residual separation/es
- Dictionary:Register/es
- Dictionary:Registration/es
- Dictionary:Regression/es
- Dictionary:Regression analysis/es
- Dictionary:Regular noise/es
- Dictionary:Regularize/es
- Dictionary:Reject region/es
- Dictionary:Relational database/es
- Dictionary:Relative amplitude display/es
- Dictionary:Relative apparent resistivity/es
- Dictionary:Relative bearing/es
- Dictionary:Relative change of sea level/es
- Dictionary:Relative ellipse area/es
- Dictionary:Relative permeability/es
- Dictionary:Relative permittivity/es
- Dictionary:Relative positioning/es
- Dictionary:Relative thickness/es
- Dictionary:Relaxation/es
- Dictionary:Relaxation method/es
- Dictionary:Relaxation rate/es
- Dictionary:Relaxation time/es
- Dictionary:Relay/es
- Dictionary:Relay ramp/es
- Dictionary:Release time/es
- Dictionary:Reliability/es
- Dictionary:Relief/es
- Dictionary:Reluctance/es
- Dictionary:Remanence/es
- Dictionary:Remanent magnetism/es
- Dictionary:Remote (reference) magnetotelluric method/es
- Dictionary:Remote data unit (RDU)/es
- Dictionary:Remote electrode/es
- Dictionary:Remote job entry (RJE)/es
- Dictionary:Remote sensing/es
- Dictionary:Remote triggering/es
- Dictionary:Repeat formation tester (RFT)/es
- Dictionary:Repeat section/es
- Dictionary:Repeatability/es
- Dictionary:Repetition rate/es
- Dictionary:Replacement density/es
- Dictionary:Replacement velocity/es
- Dictionary:Replicate/es
- Dictionary:Replicating function/es
- Dictionary:Reproducible recording/es
- Dictionary:Resample/es
- Dictionary:Resection/es
- Dictionary:Reserved words/es
- Dictionary:Reserves/es
- Dictionary:Reservoir/es
- Dictionary:Reservoir characterization/es
- Dictionary:Reservoir delineation/es
- Dictionary:Reservoir depletion/es
- Dictionary:Reservoir description/es
- Dictionary:Reservoir drive/es
- Dictionary:Reservoir geophysics/es
- Dictionary:Reservoir simulation/es
- Dictionary:Reservoir stimulation/es
- Dictionary:Reservoir surveilance/es
- Dictionary:Resident programs/es
- Dictionary:Residual/es
- Dictionary:Residual disturbance/es
- Dictionary:Residual migration/es
- Dictionary:Residual normal moveout/es
- Dictionary:Residualize/es
- Dictionary:Resistance/es
- Dictionary:Resistive coupling/es
- Dictionary:Resistivity/es
- Dictionary:Resistivity anisotropy coefficient/es
- Dictionary:Resistivity index/es
- Dictionary:Resistivity logs/es
- Dictionary:Resistivity method/es
- Dictionary:Resistivity spectrum/es
- Dictionary:Resistivity-contrast factor/es
- Dictionary:Resolution/es
- Dictionary:Resolution of well logs/es
- Dictionary:Resolvable limit/es
- Dictionary:Resolve/es
- Dictionary:Resonance/es
- Dictionary:Resonant frequency/es
- Dictionary:Resource/es
- Dictionary:Response parameter/es
- Dictionary:Response time/es
- Dictionary:Restore/es
- Dictionary:Restored section/es
- Dictionary:Retarded potential/es
- Dictionary:Retarded time/es
- Dictionary:Retrocorrelation/es
- Dictionary:Retrogradation/es
- Dictionary:Retrograde/es
- Dictionary:Retrograde condensation/es
- Dictionary:Return-beam vidicon (RBV)/es
- Dictionary:Reverberation/es
- Dictionary:Reversal/es
- Dictionary:Reverse branch/es
- Dictionary:Reverse control/es
- Dictionary:Reverse crossover/es
- Dictionary:Reverse drag/es
- Dictionary:Reverse fault/es
- Dictionary:Reverse migration/es
- Dictionary:Reverse polarity/es
- Dictionary:Reverse Polish/es
- Dictionary:Reverse SP/es
- Dictionary:Reverse symmetric/es
- Dictionary:Reverse time migration/es
- Dictionary:Reverse VSP/es
- Dictionary:Reverse-wound geophone/es
- Dictionary:Reversed/es
- Dictionary:Reversed magnetic field/es
- Dictionary:Reversible process/es
- Dictionary:Review/es
- Dictionary:Reynolds number/es
- Dictionary:RF/es
- Dictionary:RFC/es
- Dictionary:RFP/es
- Dictionary:RFT/es
- Dictionary:Rho-rho determination/es
- Dictionary:Rho-theta determination/es
- Dictionary:RHS/es
- Dictionary:Rhumb line/es
- Dictionary:Ribbon/es
- Dictionary:Ribbon map/es
- Dictionary:Richter scale/es
- Dictionary:Ricker wavelet/es
- Dictionary:Rieber mixing/es
- Dictionary:Riedel shear/es
- Dictionary:Riemann surface/es
- Dictionary:Rift/es
- Dictionary:Rift/drift unconformity/es
- Dictionary:Rig/es
- Dictionary:Right ascension/es
- Dictionary:Right lateral fault/es
- Dictionary:Right-hand rule/es
- Dictionary:Rigidity modulus/es
- Dictionary:Rim syncline/es
- Dictionary:Ringing/es
- Dictionary:Ringy/es
- Dictionary:Rippable/es
- Dictionary:RISC/es
- Dictionary:Rise-time error/es
- Dictionary:Risk/es
- Dictionary:Risk map/es
- Dictionary:RJE/es
- Dictionary:Rms/es
- Dictionary:Rms error (σ)/es
- Dictionary:Rms positional error/es
- Dictionary:Rms velocity/es
- Dictionary:Robinson projection/es
- Dictionary:Robust/es
- Dictionary:Rock magnetism/es
- Dictionary:Rock physics/es
- Dictionary:Rockbit/es
- Dictionary:Rod/es
- Dictionary:Rodman/es
- Dictionary:Roentgen/es
- Dictionary:Roll/es
- Dictionary:Roll along/es
- Dictionary:Roll off/es
- Dictionary:Roll on (roll off)/es
- Dictionary:Roll one station/es
- Dictionary:Roll the patch/es
- Dictionary:Roll-along switch/es
- Dictionary:Roller bit/es
- Dictionary:Rollover/es
- Dictionary:ROM/es
- Dictionary:Root/es
- Dictionary:Root-mean-square (rms)/es
- Dictionary:Rose, rosette/es
- Dictionary:Rossi-Forel intensity scale/es
- Dictionary:Rot U/es
- Dictionary:Rotary drill/es
- Dictionary:Rotary table/es
- Dictionary:Rotary-field electromagnetic method/es
- Dictionary:Rotating dipole/es
- Dictionary:Rotation of components/es
- Dictionary:Rotation tensor/es
- Dictionary:Rotational latency/es
- Dictionary:Rotational wave/es
- Dictionary:Round trip/es
- Dictionary:Round-off error/es
- Dictionary:ROV/es
- Dictionary:Row binary/es
- Dictionary:Row matrix/es
- Dictionary:Row vector/es
- Dictionary:Royalty/es
- Dictionary:RPG/es
- Dictionary:RTD/es
- Dictionary:RTP/es
- Dictionary:RTU/es
- Dictionary:RU/es
- Dictionary:Rubber bands/es
- Dictionary:Rubidium vapor clock/es
- Dictionary:Rubidium-vapor magnetometer/es
- Dictionary:Rugosity/es
- Dictionary:Rule of scaling/es
- Dictionary:Rule of superposition/es
- Dictionary:Rule of thumb/es
- Dictionary:Run/es
- Dictionary:Run time/es
- Dictionary:Runge-Kutta method/es
- Dictionary:Running tool/es
- Dictionary:Running window/es
- Dictionary:Runup height/es
- Dictionary:Rutherford-Williams AVO classification/es
- Dictionary:RVSP/es
- Dictionary:Rx/es
- Dictionary:RZ/es