Translations:Time-variant spectral whitening - book/2/en

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The correction process can be implemented as follows: Apply a series of narrow band-pass filters to a seismic trace. A low-frequency component of the trace will have a lower decay rate than does an intermediate-frequency component. Likewise, an intermediate-frequency component will have a lower decay rate than does a high-frequency component. A series of gain functions can be designed to describe the decay rates within each frequency band. One way to accomplish that is to compute the envelope of each band-pass-filtered trace. The inverse of each of these “envelope gain functions” is applied to each frequency band, and the results are summed. This sum trace is the output of such a time-variant process — the time-variant spectral-whitening (TVSW) process. The number of filter bands, the width of each band, and the overall bandwidth are the TVSW parameters. These parameters must be prescribed for each application.