Translations:Interactive earth-digital processing/13/en

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The same reasoning as that used for Einstein deconvolution can be used for dynamic deconvolution and for other inversion methods (Stoffa et al., 1998[1]; Sen, 2001[2]; Hong and Sen, 2006[3]). To use such exacting deconvolution methods, the earth must be brought into the feedback loop. In this way, fresh seismic data are generated on each iteration. The succession of seismic data sets provides the means to assure that the process is indeed working correctly.

  1. Stoffa, P. L., M. K. Sen, and G. Xia, 1998, 1-D elastic waveform inversion: A divide-and-conquer approach: Geophysics, 63, 1670-1684.
  2. Sen, M. K., 2001, Pre-stack waveform inversion of plane wave seismograms: Isotropy to transverse isotropy: Recorder, 26, no. 6, 85-96.
  3. Hong, T., and M. K. Sen, 2006, Real-coded multiscale genetic algorithm for prestack waveform inversion: 76th Annual International Meeting, SEG, Expanded Abstracts, 2161-2165.