FIG. D-20.
DMO. (a) Depth section showing the updip movement of the reflecting point for an offset geophone for constant velocity;
, where
; is the dip (Levin, 1971). To avoid reflection point smearing, an offset trace should be gathered with the updip zero-offset trace at a distance
, but such a gather is not hyperbolic; the DMO correction makes this gather hyperbolic.
(b) A diffraction in location-offset space, a
Cheops pyramid, is not a hyperboloid.
(c) Applying NMO changes the Cheops pyramid into a saddle-shaped surface.
(d) Applying DMO along with NMO yields data that can be stacked without reflection-point smear.
(e) NMO corrects for the time delay on an offset trace assuming horizontality, DMO moves the data to the correct zero-offset trace for a dipping reflection, and migration further moves it to its subsurface location.