Software:GEOPHYSICS source-code archive
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These are codes that accompany articles published in the "Geophysical Software and Algorithms" section in the journal GEOPHYSICS. Downloads are available as either UNIX gzipped tar files or Windows "zip" files.
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List of available codes
- 2005-0001
- Name: Titest and Orthotest
- Description: Programs for finding the nearest VTI and Orthorhombic medium to an arbitrary set of 21 stiffness constants
- Language and environment: ANSI C
- Author(s): Joe Dellinger
- Title: Computing the optimal TI approximation of a general elastic tensor
- Citation: GEOPHYSICS, 2005, 70, no. 5, I1-I10.
- 2006-0001
- Name: emd.f
- Description: A working example of solving the electromagnetic diffusion equation using a spectral method
- Language and environment: Fortran 77
- Author(s): Jose Carcione
- Title: A spectral numerical method for electromagnetic diffusion
- Citation: GEOPHYSICS, 2006, 71, no. 1, I1-I9.
- 2006-0002
- Name: MMATrans
- Description: Magnitude-magnetic transform routines written in Matlab.
- Language and environment: Matlab
- Author(s): Daniela Gerovska and Marcos J. Arauzo-Bravo
- Title: Calculation of magnitude magnetic transforms with high centricity and low dependence on the magnetization vector direction
- Citation: GEOPHYSICS, 2006, 71, no. 5, I21-I30.
- 2007-0001
- Description: RESINVM3D is a MATLAB package for inverting 3D DC Resistivity and Electrical Resistivity Tomography data.
- Language and environment: Matlab
- Author(s): Pidlisecky, A.; Haber, E.; Knight, R.
- Title: RESINVM3D: A 3D resistivity inversion package
- Citation: GEOPHYSICS, 2006, 72, no. 2, H1-H10.
- 2007-0002
- Name: T_direct_decon
- Description: T_direct_decon is a Fortran 90 program for performing direct multichannel predictive deconvolution.
- Language and environment: Fortran 90
- Author(s): Porsani, M. J. and Ursin, B.
- Title: Direct multichannel predictive deconvolution
- Citation: GEOPHYSICS, 2007, 72, no. 2, H11-H27.
- 2007-0003
- Name: Mat_emd
- Description: Mat_emd is a Matlab program demonstrating performing the Empirical Mode Decomposition and Hilbert-Huang transform on seismic reflection data.
- Language and environment: Matlab 6.0 with signal-processing toolbox
- Author(s): Battista, B. M.; Knapp, C.; McGee, T.; Goebel, V.
- Title: Application of the empirical mode decomposition and Hilbert-Huang transform to seismic reflection data
- Citation: GEOPHYSICS, 2007, 72, no. 2, H29-H37.
- 2007-0004
- Name: Dgwaveform
- Description: Dgwaveform efficiently creates Gaussian derivative wavelets.
- Language and environment: ANSI C, using the SU (Seismic Unix) I/O library and file format
- Author(s): Heigl, Werner M.
- Title: Computing Gaussian derivative waveforms of any order
- Citation: GEOPHYSICS, 2007, 72, no. 4, H39-H42.
- 2007-0005
- Name: Fdtdvisco
- Description: Fdtdvisco is an efficient FDTD algorithm for plane-wave simulation for vertically heterogeneous attenuative media.
- Language and environment: Fortran 77, with ASCII input and output.
- Author(s): JafarGandomi, Arash; Takenaka, Hiroshi.
- Title: An efficient FDTD algorithm for plane-wave simulation for vertically heterogeneous attenuative media
- Citation: GEOPHYSICS, 2007, 72, no. 4, H43-H53.
- 2008-0001
- Name: nsdcalc
- Description: Nsdcalc is a Matlab program that performs normalised standard deviation analysis for edge enhancement of gravity and EM potential-field datasets.
- Language and environment: Matlab 2007
- Author(s): Cooper, G.; Cowan, D.
- Title: Edge enhancement of potential field data using normalized statistics
- Citation: GEOPHYSICS, 2008, 73, no. 3, H1-H4.
- 2009-0001
- Name: sdToolkit
- Description: The sdToolkit demonstrates the complex step derivative method on a variety of functions and geophysically oriented examples.
- Language and environment: Matlab
- Author(s): Abokhodair, A. A.
- Title: Complex differentiation tools for geophysical inversion
- Citation: GEOPHYSICS, 2009, 74, no. 2, H1-H11.
- 2009-0002
- Name: defgm
- Description: The decomposed element-free Galerkin (DEFG) method is a highly accurate method for solving elastic wave-equation problems.
- Language and environment: Fortran 90
- Author(s): Masafumi Katou, Toshifumi Matsuoka, Hitoshi Mikada, Yoshinori Sanada, and Yuzuru Ashida
- Title: Decomposed element-free Galerkin method compared with finite-difference method for elastic wave propagation
- Citation: GEOPHYSICS, 2009, 74, no. 3, H13-H25.
- 2009-0003
- Name: RTmig
- Description: One- and two-dimensional examples of least-squares reverse-time migration using exact adjoint pairs.
- Language and environment: Fortran 90 with SEPlib
- Author(s): Jun Ji
- Title: An exact adjoint operation pair in time extrapolation and its application in least-squares reverse-time migration
- Citation: GEOPHYSICS, 2009, 74, no. 5, H27-33.
- 2010-0001
- Name: f90StreamerShape
- Description: An f90 program for modeling streamer feathering.
- Language and environment: Fortran 90
- Author(s): Goutorbe, B., and Combier, V.
- Title: On the reconstruction of the shape of a seismic streamer
- Citation: GEOPHYSICS, 2010, 75, no. 1, H1-H6.
- 2010-0002
- Name: IAG
- Description: IAG is a routine for modeling 3D direct-current resistivity using an unstructured mesh
- Language and environment: C++
- Author(s): Ren, Z., and Tang, J.
- Title: 3D direct current resistivity modeling with unstructured mesh by adaptive finite-element method
- Citation: GEOPHYSICS, 2010, 75, no. 1, H7-H17.
- 2010-0003
- Name: ComputeDispersion
- Description: ComputeDispersion models dispersion and radial profiles in cylindrical elastic-fluid structures
- Language and environment: Matlab
- Author(s): F. Karpfinger, H.-P. Valero, B. Gurevich, A. Bakulin, B. Sinha
- Title: Spectral-method algorithm for modeling dispersion of acoustic modes in elastic cylindrical structures
- Citation: GEOPHYSICS, 2010, 75, no. 3, H19-H27.
- 2011-0001
- Name: Fdelmodc
- Description: Fdelmodc models wavefields and cross-correlates the resulting seismograms
- Language and environment: SU/C
- Author(s): J. W. Thorbecke, D. Draganov
- Title: Finite-difference modeling experiments for seismic interferometry
- Citation: GEOPHYSICS, 2011, 76, no. 6, H1-H18.
- 2012-0001
- Name: Polyhedron
- Description: POLYHEDRON calculates the gravitational potential and its first and second derivatives due to a homogeneous polyhedron
- Language and environment: Fortran
- Author(s): D. Tsoulis
- Title: Analytical computation of the full gravity tensor of a homogeneous arbitrarily shaped polyhedral source using line integrals
- Citation: GEOPHYSICS, 2012, 77, no. 1, F1-F11.
- 2012-0002
- Name: DFMPOT
- Description: DFMPOT is a MATLAB function that calculates a geometrically meaningful deformation map by comparing magnetic and gravity gradient field data.
- Language and environment: Matlab
- Author(s): Erkan, Kamil; Jekeli, Christopher; Shum, C.
- Title: Fusion of gravity gradient and magnetic field data for discrimination of anomalies using deformation analysis
- Citation: GEOPHYSICS, 2012, 77, no. 2, F13-F20.
- 2012-0003
- Name: FHTvsQWE
- Description: Comparison of the Fast Hankel Transform and Quadrature for solving EM problems
- Language and environment: Matlab
- Author(s): Key, Kerry
- Title: Is the fast Hankel transform faster than quadrature?
- Citation: GEOPHYSICS, 2012, 77, no. 2, F21-F30.
- 2013-0001
- Name: G2P
- Description: Finds phase direction(s) for a given ray direction in VTI media
- Language and environment: Matlab
- Author(s): Vladimir Grechka
- Title: Ray-direction velocities in VTI media
- Citation: GEOPHYSICS, 2013, 78, no. 1, F1-F5.
- 2013-0002
- Name: ewefd2d*
- Description: Prototype code for solving 3D anisotropic elastic wave equations on parallel GPU devices
- Language and environment: Cuda and Madagascar
- Author(s): Robin M. Weiss and Jeffrey Shragge
- Title: Solving 3D anisotropic elastic wave equations on parallel GPU devices
- Citation: GEOPHYSICS, 2013, 78, no. 2, F7-F15.
- 2013-0003
- Name: Foldy
- Description: A simple and exact acoustic wavefield modeling code
- Language and environment: Matlab
- Author(s): Erica Galetti, David Halliday, and Andrew Curtis
- Title: A simple and exact acoustic wavefield modeling code for data processing, imaging, and interferometry applications
- Citation: GEOPHYSICS, 2013, 78, no. 6, F17-F27.
- 2014-0001
- Name: Insert_fault
- Description: Insert_fault models gravity data from a faulted basement relief
- Language and environment: Matlab
- Author(s): William A. Lima and Joao B. C. Silva
- Title: Combined modeling and smooth inversion of gravity data from a faulted basement relief
- Citation: GEOPHYSICS, 2014, 79, no. 6, F1-F10.
- 2015-0001
- Name: emmod
- Description: Emmod models the electromagnetic response of a layered VTI medium
- Language and environment: C/Fortran/Matlab (Matlab only required to make some of the figures)
- Author(s): Jürg Hunziker, Jan Thorbecke, and Evert Slob
- Title: The electromagnetic response in a layered vertical transverse isotropic medium: A new look at an old problem
- Citation: GEOPHYSICS, 2015, 80, no. 1, F1-F18.
- 2015-0002
- Name: Quat
- Description: Optimal reorientation of geophysical sensors: A quaternion-based analytical solution
- Language and environment: Python
- Author(s): Lars Krieger and Francesco Grigoli
- Title: Optimal reorientation of geophysical sensors: A quaternion-based analytical solution
- Citation: GEOPHYSICS, 2015, 80, no. 2, F19-F30.
- 2015-0003
- Name: GPUFWI
- Description: A GPU implementation of time-domain full waveform inversion
- Language and environment: Cuda
- Author(s): Pengliang Yang, Jinghuai Gao, and Baoli Wang
- Title: A GPU implementation of time-domain full waveform inversion
- Citation: GEOPHYSICS, 2015, 80, no. 3, F31-F39.
- 2016-0001
- Name: Seiscope_Toolbox
- Description: An optimization library with some test examples
- Language and environment: F90
- Author(s): Ludovic Métivier and Romain Brossier
- Title: The SEISCOPE optimization toolbox: A large-scale nonlinear optimization library based on reverse communication
- Citation: GEOPHYSICS, 2016, 81, no. 2, F1-F15.
- 2016-0002
- Name: CIDRe
- Description: An irregular resampling method for scattered point data
- Language and environment: Matlab
- Author(s): Peter Menzel
- Title: Constrained indicator data resampling - A parameter constrained irregular resampling method for scattered point data
- Citation: GEOPHYSICS, 2016, 81, no. 2, F17-F26.
- 2016-0003
- Name: 3Dhom
- Description: Code to generate homogeneous space Green's functions for coupled electromagnetic fields and poroelastic waves
- Language and environment: Matlab
- Author(s): Evert Slob and Maarten Mulder
- Title: Seismoelectromagnetic homogeneous space Green's functions
- Citation: GEOPHYSICS, 2016, 81, no. 4, F27-F40.
- 2016-0004
- Name: Tesseroids
- Description: Forward modeling of gravitational fields in spherical coordinates using Tesseroids
- Language and environment: C and Python, with Jupyter workbooks
- Author(s): Leonardo Uieda, Valéria C. F. Barbosa, and Carla Braitenberg
- Title: Tesseroids: Forward modeling of gravitational fields in spherical coordinates
- Citation: GEOPHYSICS, 2016, 81, no. 5, F41-F48.
- 2016-0005
- Name: iemmod
- Description: Code to invert for controlled-source electromagnetic reflection responses
- Language and environment: C and Fortran 90, Matlab for plotting
- Author(s): Jürg Hunziker, Jan Thorbecke, Joeri Brackenhoff, and Evert Slob
- Title: Inversion of controlled-source electromagnetic reflection responses
- Citation: GEOPHYSICS, 2016, 81, no. 5, F49-F57.
- 2017-0001
- Description: Calculate instantaneous frequency and phase using the Poggiagliolmi-Vesnaver method
- Language and environment: Fortran 90
- Author(s): Aldo Vesnaver
- Title: Instantaneous frequency and phase without unwrapping
- Citation: GEOPHYSICS, 2017, 82, no. 1, F1-F7.
- 2017-0002
- Name: Monogenic
- Description: Calculate the local amplitude, phase, and orientation of the nonscale and Poisson's scale-space monogenic signals of potential-field data
- Language and environment: Python
- Author(s): Marlon C. Hidalgo-Gato and Valéria C. F. Barbosa
- Title: The monogenic signal of potential-field data: a Python implementation
- Citation: GEOPHYSICS, 2017, 82, no. 3, F9-F14.
- 2017-0003
- Name: raylee
- Description: A set of Matlab codes to perform forward modeling and inversion of Rayleigh-wave phase- or group-velocity measurements.
- Language and environment: Matlab
- Author(s): Matthew M. Haney and Victor C. Tsai
- Title: Perturbational and nonperturbational inversion of Rayleigh-wave velocities
- Citation: GEOPHYSICS, 2017, 82, no. 3, F15-F28.
- 2017-0004
- Name: empymod
- Description: Empymod is a Python code that computes the 3D electromagnetic field in a layered Earth with VTI anisotropy.
- Language and environment: Python
- Author(s): Dieter Werthmüller
- Title: An open-source full 3D electromagnetic modeler for 1D VTI media in Python: empymod
- Citation: GEOPHYSICS, 2017, 82, no. 6, WB9-WB19.
- 2017-0005
- Name: Eikontest
- Description: We present a method for solving the Eikonal equation in TTI media that avoids the usual problem of numerical inaccuracies near the source.
- Language and environment: Madagascar and SCons
- Author(s): Umair bin Waheed and Tariq Alkhalifah
- Title: Fast sweeping algorithm for accurate solution of the TTI Eikonal equation using factorization
- Citation: GEOPHYSICS, 2017, 82, no. 6, WB1-WB8.
- 2017-0006
- Name: m3d
- Description: m3d is an easy-to-use C++ package that calculates the magnetic potential, the magnetic field, and the full magnetic gradient tensor for magnetic targets.
- Language and environment: C++
- Author(s): Zhengyong Ren, Chaojian Chen, Jingtian Tang, Huang ChenShuanggui Hu, Cong Zhou, and Xiao Xiao
- Title: Closed-form formula of magnetic gradient tensor for a homogeneous polyhedral magnetic target: a tetrahedral grid example
- Citation: GEOPHYSICS, 2017, 82, no. 6, WB21-WB28.
- 2017-0007
- Name: OpenSourceMarchenko
- Description: OpenSourceMarchenko implements the Marchenko method, which computes subsurface-to-surface Green's functions using surface data.
- Language and environment: C
- Author(s): Jan Thorbecke, Evert Slob, Joeri BrackenhoffJoost van der Neut, and Kees Wapenaar
- Title: Implementation of the Marchenko method
- Citation: GEOPHYSICS, 2017, 82, no. 6, WB29-WB45.
- 2017-0008
- Name: SWIP
- Description: SWIP is a Matlab package that performs surface-wave inversion and profiling
- Language and environment: Matlab
- Author(s): Sylvain Pasquet and Ludovic Bodet
- Title: SWIP: An integrated workflow for surface-wave dispersion inversion and profiling
- Citation: GEOPHYSICS, 2017, 82, no. 6, WB47-WB61.
- 2017-0009
- Name: Sobel
- Description: The program Sobel calculates a modified version of the Sobel attribute that makes use of local dip information.
- Language and environment: Madagascar / SCons scripts
- Author(s): Mason Phillips and Sergey Fomel
- Title: Plane wave Sobel attribute for discontinuity enhancement in seismic images
- Citation: GEOPHYSICS, 2017, 82, no. 6, WB63-WB69.
- 2018-0001
- Name: Wsepa
- Description: The package "Wsepa" includes programs for modeling and migrating separated up-going and down-going wavefields using the Hilbert transform.
- Language and environment: Madagascar / SCons scripts
- Author(s): Yikang Zheng, Yibo Wang, and Xu Chang
- Title: 3D forward modeling of upgoing and downgoing wavefields using Hilbert transform
- Citation: GEOPHYSICS, 2018, 83, no. 1, F1-F8.
- 2018-0002
- Name: Madagascar_Overview
- Description: An overview of reproducible 3D seismic data processing and imaging using Madagascar
- Language and environment: Madagascar / SCons scripts
- Author(s): Can Oren and Robert L. Nowack
- Title: An overview of reproducible 3D seismic data processing and imaging using Madagascar
- Citation: GEOPHYSICS, 2018, 83, no. 2, F9-F20.
- 2018-0003
- Description: SOUNDING is a MATLAB code that automatically performs partial curve matching of 1D apparent resistivity data recorded with the Schlumberger electrode array configuration.
- Language and environment: Matlab
- Author(s): Jide Ogunbo
- Title: MATLAB code for data-driven initial model of 1D Schlumberger sounding curve
- Citation: GEOPHYSICS, 2018, 83, no. 2, F21-F28.
- No Code Associated with this paper There is no code associated with this paper.
- 2018-0005
- Name: jMT3DAni
- Description: jMT3DAni is a finite-volume (FV) algorithm for magnetotelluric (MT) forward modeling in 3D conductivity structures with general anisotropy
- Language and environment: Julia
- Author(s): Bo Han, Yuguo Li, and Gang Li
- Title: 3D forward modeling of magnetotelluric fields in general anisotropic media and its numerical implementation in Julia
- Citation: GEOPHYSICS, 2018, 83, no. 4, F29-40.
- 2018-0006
- Name: SOPF
- Description: The program Streaming Orthogonal Prediction Filter (SOPF) provides an adaptive prediction filter method based on streaming and orthogonalization for random noise attenuation in the t-x domain.
- Language and environment: C
- Author(s): Yang Liu and Bingxiu Li
- Title: Streaming orthogonal prediction filter in the t-x domain for random noise attenuation
- Citation: GEOPHYSICS, 2018, 83, no. 4, F41-F48.
- 2018-0007
- Name: SSDM
- Description: SSDM evaluates the quality of seismic sections using a model designed to mimic properties of the human vision system.
- Language and environment: C++
- Author(s): Ning Yang and Yi Duan
- Title: Human vision system-based structural similarity model for evaluating seismic image quality
- Citation: GEOPHYSICS, 2018, 83, no. 5, F49-F54.
- 2019-0001
- Name: cuQRTM
- Description: CuQ-RTM is a code for stable and efficient Q-compensated reverse-time migration written in CUDA
- Language and environment: CUDA
- Author(s): Yufeng Wang, Hui Zhou, Xuebin Zhao, Qingchen Zhang, Poru Zhao, Xiance Yu, and Yangkang Chen
- Title: CuQ-RTM: A CUDA-based code package for stable and efficient Q-compensated reverse time migration
- Citation: GEOPHYSICS, 2019, 84, no. 1, F1-F15.
- 2019-0002
- Name: Marchenko for imaging
- Description: An introduction to Marchenko methods for imaging
- Language and environment: Matlab
- Author(s): Angus Lomas and Andrew Curtis
- Title: An introduction of the Marchenko method using three Matlab examples
- Citation: GEOPHYSICS, 2019, 84, no. 2, F35-F45.
- 2019-0003
- Name: fdesign
- Description: The open-source code fdesign makes it possible to design digital linear filters for the Hankel and Fourier transforms used in potential, diffusive, and wavefield modeling.
- Language and environment: Python / Jupyter
- Author(s): Dieter Werthmüller, Kerry Key, and Evert C. Slob
- Title: A tool for designing digital filters for the Hankel and Fourier transforms in potentialdiffusive, and wavefield modeling
- Citation: GEOPHYSICS, 2019, 84, no. 2, F47-F56.
- 2019-0004
- Name: custEM
- Description: custEM is an open-source toolbox for simulating EM waves in complex 3D CSEM models
- Language and environment: Python
- Author(s): Raphael Rochlitz, Nico Skibbe, and Thomas Günther
- Title: custEM: Customizable finite-element simulation of complex controlled-source electromagnetic data
- Citation: GEOPHYSICS, 2019, 84, no. 2, F17-F33
- 2019-0005
- Name: JUDI
- Description: JUDI allows users to generate codes to perform efficient inversion algorithms independent of machine architecture
- Language and environment: Julia and Devito
- Author(s): Philipp A. Witte, Mathias Louboutin, Navjot Kukreja, Fabio Luporini, Michael Lange, Gerard J. Gorman, and Felix J. Herrmann
- Title: A large-scale framework for symbolic implementations of seismic inversion algorithms in Julia
- Citation: GEOPHYSICS, 2019, 84, no. 3, F57-71.
- 2019-0006
- Name: Particula
- Description: A tool for simulating the rock physics of granular media
- Language and environment: C Sharp
- Author(s): Mustafa A. Al Ibrahim, Abdulla Kerimov, Tapan Mukerji, and Gary Mavko
- Title: Particula: A simulator tool for computational rock physics of granular media
- Citation: GEOPHYSICS, 2019, 84, no. 3, F85-F95
- 2019-0007
- Name: CWI
- Description: CWI provides a package of codes to perform source localization via coda-wave interferometry
- Language and environment: Matlab
- Author(s): Youqian Zhao and Andrew Curtis
- Title: Relative source location using coda-wave interferometry: Method, code package, and application to mining-induced earthquakes
- Citation: GEOPHYSICS, 2019, 84, no. 3, F73-F84
- 2019-0008
- Name: EPCI
- Description: EPCI is a fast Matlab algorithm for predicting absolute permeability from a 3D microcomputed tomography rock image.
- Language and environment: Matlab
- Author(s): Huafeng Sun, Hasan Al-Marzouqi, and Sandra Vega
- Title: EPCI: A new tool for predicting absolute permeability from computed tomography images
- Citation: GEOPHYSICS, 2019, 84, no. 3, F97-F102
- 2020-0001
- Name: EMTF
- Description: EMTF provides tools for use with a new universal data interchange format for electromagnetic transfer functions
- Language and environment: Fortran 90
- Author(s): Anna Kelbert
- Title: EMTF XML: New data interchange format and conversion tools for electromagnetic transfer functions
- Citation: GEOPHYSICS, 2020, 85, no. 1, F1-F17
- 2020-0002
- Name: Lovee
- Description: Lovee is a set of MATLAB codes to forward model and invert Love-wave phase or group velocities.
- Language and environment: Matlab
- Author(s): Matthew M. Haney and Victor C. Tsai
- Title: Perturbational and nonperturbational inversion of Love-wave velocities
- Citation: GEOPHYSICS, 2020, 85, no. 1, F19-F26.
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