Richard Lane
Richard Lane obtained a B.Sc. Hons in Geology and Geophysics from the University of Melbourne in 1983. He worked with CRA Exploration from 1984 to 1997 and was involved in a broad range of mineral and petroleum exploration activities across Australia and Southeast Asia. He joined World Geoscience Corporation (now Fugro Airborne Surveys) in 1997 to work with the Product Development Division. He was Program Leader of the Airborne EM Systems Program of the Cooperative Research Centre for Australian Mineral Exploration Technologies from 1997 to 2000, during which time the TEMPEST AEM system was successfully developed and commercialized by the AEM Systems Program team.
In 2001, he joined the Australian Government geoscientific agency, Geoscience Australia (GA), where he is a senior geophysicist in the Onshore Energy & Minerals Division (OEMD). His present responsibilities include development of methodologies and tools for 3D geological mapping and geophysical modeling. In this capacity, he has coordinated the efforts of Geoscience Australia to support the development of GeoModeller since 2005 and has been intimately involved in the work to restructure and expand the GeoModeller geophysical modeling capabilities. This is complemented by a long association with UBC-GIF staff and projects dating back to the early 1990s. Other ongoing activities at Geoscience Australia include leadership of the OEMD efforts to develop a national rock property database, input into the development of the GeoSciML information model and data interchange format (with the goal of facilitating the exchange of geoscience information and processing services), and championing the use the high performance computing (HPC) facilities (e.g., multicore computers, internal distributed and parallel computer networks within GA, external GRID, and Cloud facilities, etc.) for geophysical processing and modeling.
He is a member of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG), Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists (ASEG), Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society (EEGS), American Geophysical Union (AGU), and International Association for Mathematical Geology (IAMG). He was recognized by the SEG as an "outstanding reviewer" for Geophysics in 2007, received a Geoscience Australia Individual Award for Achieving Results in Science in 2004, and was the recipient of a Sir Harold Ragatt Award for Distinguished Geoscience Australia Lecturer in 2004.
2011 SEG Honorary Lecturer, Pacific South
Building on 3D geological knowledge through gravity and magnetic modeling workflows at regional to local scales
In many different projects, from petroleum basin studies through regional geological investigations to evaluation of local-scale mineral exploration prospects, we are looking to use gravity and magnetic data to help build confidence in our knowledge of subsurface 3D geological architecture. We seek one or more geological models that are consistent with a diverse set of observations that include: geological observations, measurements of the rock properties, and gravity and magnetic data.
Using various methods, and with wildly varying degrees of factual underpinnings, we can produce an initial vision of the 3D geological configuration, estimates of the bulk properties of the materials within each of the geological units, and a description of the degree to which these should be relied upon. By applying different tools and methodologies, we can perform forward and inverse modeling of the potential field data, constrained by initial confidence in the geological scenario. In each case, we examine the results and decide whether it confirms the input model or whether unconstrained portions of the map or poorly known property values need to be revised. Recent advances on many fronts, from data acquisition systems, 3D software tools, data interchange standards, and high-performance computing environments, have re-invigorated potential field modeling and made this an exciting activity to be involved in.
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