Video, Music, and other multimedia
- Videos about the Origins of Digital Seismic Signal Processing and the role played by MIT and Sven Treitel are in the wiki article Sven_Treitel.
- Videos about GSI including the company history, Arctic and North Sea exploration accomplishments, employee personal development training material, and Cecil H Green interview are in the wiki article Geophysical_Service_Inc..
- Video Interview of Cecil H Green is in the wiki article Cecil_Green.
{{#evt: service=youtube |id= }} In 2008, the Virgil Kauffman Gold Medal was awarded to Carl Regone and John Etgen for their work in demonstrating the value of wide-azimuth towed-streamer acquisition for deepwater subsalt imaging, and for their role in bringing it to commercial reality. This demonstration was largely done by computing synthetic seismic data with different acquisition geometries and processing the data using depth migration software. This movie shows the complex wave propagation caused a high velocity salt body based on the geology at the Mad Dog Oil and Gas prospect in the deep water Gulf of Mexico.
The industry
Visit and search for ge0physicsrocks. You will find short video interviews with geophysicist who talk about how they entered the industry. Many of these interviews are employees with only a few years experience. It is a different view of the people in the industry than you get from the interviews with leaders.
{{#evt: service=youtube |id= }} Halliburton company song