Mark A. Zumberge

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Glenn S. Sasagawa, Wayne C. Crawford, Ola Eiken, Scott Nooner, Torkjell Stenvold, and Mark A. Zumberge received the 2003 SEG Best Paper in Geophysics Award for their paper A new sea-floor gravimiter. [1]

Biography 2003 [2]

Mark Zumberge received a BS (1976) in physics from the University of Michigan and a PhD (1981) in physics from the University of Colorado. Currently, he is a research geophysicist at the Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego. His research interests include absolute and relative measurments of gravity and methods for the detection of crustal deformation.


  1. Sasagawa, G.S., et al. (2003) A new sea‐floor gravimeter, Geophysics, 68(2) p. 544.
  2. Contributors, Geophysics vol68 n2 p778.