GeoFrame is an industry-standard software package produced by Schlumberger GeoQuest for managing and analyzing borehole and seismic data. It has been in use by ODP Logging Services for several years for processing and interpreting Formation MicroScanner (FMS) resistivity images. Log data, sent by satellite from the ODP drillship to Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory are processed using GeoFrame software. This includes depth adjustments so that there are no depth offsets between data from different logging runs, corrections specific to certain tools and logs, conversion of the data to a widely accessible format (ASCII for the conventional logs, GIF for the FMS images), and inclusion on the online ODP log database. More recently, the seismic interpretation applications (IESX) within GeoFrame have been used for generating synthetic seismograms and interpreting seismic site surveys. Within GeoFrame, data are stored in an Oracle database. The software is available on the JOIDES Resolution and at the ODP log interpretation centers at New York, Leicester, Montpellier, Tokyo, and Aachen.
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